Oct 6, 2021

The procedure of buying a vehicle is one that starts way before you visit a dealership. Doing your part prior to buying a vehicle can prevent a problem later on. Whether you are purchasing a new or pre-owned vehicle, here are some suggestions that you should keep in mind when doing a test drive.

Examine and Scrutinize

Prior to you getting in the vehicle, be sure to seek out any damage or scuffs on the car’s surface. Inspect the all the glass for any scratches or nicks. Examine the tires and make sure the remaining tread and for any indications of irregular wear. Flip on all the lights, try out the turn signals and even check the mirrors.

Turn on the Vehicle

Once you turn on the vehicle, let it run for a few moments and watch out for the following: Do you hear any noise coming from the engine? Inspect the radio, the heater, and the air conditioner and be sure they are functioning.

Check the dashboard for warning signs of the different gauges. Make sure that all the seats are comfortable and that the ceilings are as high as you would like them to be.

Drive the Vehicle on Calm Street

Drive the vehicle and stop at a stop sign. How do the brakes feel when you come to a stop? Do they feel loose? Do they make a squeaking or grinding sound? When you’re driving, how does the car handle the road?

Drive on The Freeway

Does the vehicle accelerate well? Does the vehicle have blind spots? Change lanes and reflect on the response of the steering wheel. Does anything happen at higher speeds that you need to be concerned about?

Park the Vehicle

When you park the vehicle, examine the reaction of the fuel and brake pedals. Is it easy to maneuver the vehicle into a parking spot or drive in reverse?

After this process, we at Beach Mazda will give you the car’s history report and an inspection report. All our pre-owned cars are serviced prior to being put out on the lot. Have more questions? By all means, give us a call or stop by today! We’ll be happy to help you!